Saturday, January 19, 2019

Trouble with Technology...and words

I've noticed that the ability for readers to leave comments on my separate entries has been acting quite squirrelly. I'm so sorry for that.....
 On a more entertaining note...did you know that the word squirrel was used to detect German spies during WW2. The word was found to be, for all practical purposes, impossible for an implanted German agent to say without unavoidably betraying their elaborate subterfuge....
It makes me laugh to imagine a real point in the past, that would have found men of the highest military caliber engaged in a heated stand off with a supposed embedded agent of the German state; beads of sweat rolling down the face of this alleged German spie as he musters all of his will and linguistic ability to wrap his tongue around that grouping of damnable English letters"..._quirre_"...
"..squ.. Square .. Damn it..sqoor...aghhh."
"One more chance please.. I'm a Yankee doodle..I promise.."
"Sqoare... .....shizer I haive feeled mien furhier..."

Then we'd send him for waterboarding tickle treatment!!

I'm sorry about the comments section acting so squirrelly. I'm very sorry if you sat through this posting..

The Lord told me Good Morning; and I send him all all my praise for all of my days... I'm too blessed to be stressed, and too bad to be good.. praise God for his unconditional Mercy!!! 


  1. I did not know that about the squirrel! Every language has words only native speakers really do right...

  2. ... And most of the time I can't even say them right, AND I am a Yankee Doodle!
