Wednesday, November 18, 2020

Mr. Fred Burton Has Some Explaining to do!!! The former director of the Diplomatic Security Services, and now private intel kingpin, discussing his $65,000 hot dog party WITH OBUMMER!

#SethRich is MY BS. He will be remembered!!!

The extremely high level intelligence professional that is being pseudoprobed for information by the radio host is the same person who identified President Barack Obama as being the individual who trafficed over $65,000 in taxpayers money... 
By Flying in pizza/hot-dogs for Chicago Hot Dog Friday, at the Obama White house... There is a juxtaposition when imagining such a powerful individual discussing such a trite and silly child's affair, but it is the dollar value which does bring home the fact that this is a discussion between extremely powerful men that DEMANDS EXPLANATION!!!!   (PLEASE NOTE THAT NO OUTSIDE FOOD IS EVER ALLOWED INSIDE OF THE WHITE HOUSE)

Wednesday, November 11, 2020