Friday, January 25, 2019

My next step...

All journeys begin with one step, and then another, and again and again and again....

It's all of these steps that make up the journey. Each one an act of motion. Moving from one moment to the next we act as if we are paper in an endlessly rolling printing press embossing reality onto our beings. Sometimes our typeface comes out reversed, or garbled, or completely nonsensical. Sometimes it's pressed very hard down onto us, and other times it rolls on completely unnoticed. Sometimes we can understand the rational behind our authors prose, but more often than not their meanings only come into understanding further down the typeface.

This is my journey, this is my story ...

I'm taking steps that are filled with information. I imagine my blog is my attempt to interpret my steps into my own prose; to extrapolate the information out of each one, and then use my words to make a verbal collage of Me.

Currently my steps have led me to a comfortable, yet distant setting....

Haha.. comfortable in a way. It's comfortable to me because it's easy and beautiful, and filled with potential.

I miss my family a lot though. Not that we were that close when I was back home (nobody ever visited me or anything, except for ninja J :), but it was just nice to know they were there. Coming up against this latest health crisis really showed me how far away I've walked myself. It really made me long for my family, and the comfort that only they could offer.

I am then thankful, grateful, and wholly unworthy for the grace and comfort that I have found and received from my Heavenly Father as I've faced and surmounted the obstacles that have befallen my path.

 I am very thankful, and a bit more worthy, for the love and support I get from my brothers: W,J,C and my Moms!! But as much I love them, I love my nieces and nephews even more. They are just the neatest human beings you could ever imagine.

My journey has an expansive trail with a seemingly elusive destination; my stories plot seems just as elusive.

My faith in the soundness of my path is without question.

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