Monday, January 28, 2019

Sunsets and new beginnings

As the sunsets so does it rise; this can be opportunity disguised

We as creatures of habit, all too often, wear down a rut into our routine, and that's what's comfortable; we all enjoy knowing what's coming next. We begin to disregard our true nature. Our true nature is one of possibility, potential, and a touch of divine infinity.  The universe inside of us can be daunting, distant, and foreign, and so we keep our minds locally situated around our own sunny patch of inner Earth. It's nice there, it's warm. We are used to the burdens and the requirements; we are comfortable and content as our internal sun illuminates all that is ours. This inner sun shining within us is without question our number one comfort. We require it in such a basic way; we are guided, we are filled, we are inflated with it's light and energy.

The setting of this inner sun can be brought on by any number of happenings, and the internal decimation it wreak can be life altering; forcing a reexamination of our internal location. No longer do we feel the light and warmth of our sun, but we know it's somewhere. It's just no longer were we are used to it being.

I've been in the darkness halfway around the world and spoken to my family as the sun was shining on them on the other side of the globe. Literally speaking, but let's apply the reality to the metaphor at hand.

Relocating our minds and responsibilities back into that zone of comfort and stability, where the sun shines in us, through us, and out of us into the world around, is a task that can be a challenge for even strongest minded of us.

How do I find where my sunshine went?

I rely on the reality of my infinite nature and the unconditional love of my Creator. Meaning that over the last couple years as I've wondered about attempting to locate my sunshine I've found that two simple things have helped me feel warm again. One of those things is the sincere and unabashed Love I feel from God every time I reach out for him; this love takes many forms, but that's for a later time. The second thing that I've discovered that has helped me to feel like I'm gaining ground on reobtaining my soul inflating sunshine has been to throw myself into an entirely different location; far from where my sun set. If I am full of infinite potential then I am full of an infinite amount of chances to get things right.
It may not be where I am right now, or where I go next, but I know that my sunshine is everburning and just waiting for me to find it.

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