Showing posts with label Maui. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Maui. Show all posts

Wednesday, January 23, 2019

How's He Living Out There?

How's he living out there...?

Sitting here watching the setting sun, I notice a man net fishing from the shore.

But then from what vantage point am I watching these engrossing moments of natural splendor?

Please allow me to give you a bit of a tour of my mobile habitat: 

His name is Blessing

He's a rough and tough go-getter; just like his Daddy

How is he sleeping in there?

A bit lived-in looking, but hey...It's where I live!

(Btw..This is not my sleeping configuration..."stick around, you just might get to find out what that looks like")

My home is where the love of the Lord finds me.

But how is he feeding himself?

Costco...duhh.. like everyone else who's off the grid.

I look forward to sharing a lot more about how I am maintaining and enriching my quality of life as I walk down this path less traveled. 

I send all of my Love to my Lord and to My Savior Jesus Christ, He blesses me without ceasing, and I give him all of my praise and gratitude! 

His breath is the air in my lungs!!!